摘要 <p>An intravaginal contraceptive device (60) formed of a ring (62) having a central sheet (64) of resilient impermeable material sandwiched between two layers (72, 74) of foam rubber. The foam rubber traps sperm and bacteria in the vaginal recess for a time sufficient to be destroyed by the normal acid pH of the vaginal secretions. The ring (62) defines the sheet material (64) into a cup-shape with four sides, one pair of opposing sides (82, 84) including a wire core inwardly bent and another pair of sides (68, 66) with one outwardly rounded (68) and the other having a fork configuration (66). A normally closed flap valve (78) is formed in the sheet (64) with an attached extension (80) for opening the flap (78).</p>
申请公布号 WO1986001998(A1) 申请公布日期 1986.04.10
申请号 US1985001905 申请日期 1985.10.04
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人