发明名称 Telecommunication system with a multiplicity of modular units interchanging digital messages
摘要 A telecommunication system, e.g. a telephone switching exchange, comprises a multiplicity of substantially identical modular units each including a microprocessor controlling the emission of departing digital messages by a transmitting section and handling arriving digital messages reaching a receiving section. Each modular unit is connected to all other units by an outgoing and an incoming two-wire line each including a signaling wire and a response wire. The signaling wire of the outgoing line of a given modular unit emits, in the presence of a departing message in a memory of the associated transmitting section, a data-ready signal to the receiving section of the modular unit for which that message is destined; the latter section, continuously scanning the signaling wires of all incoming lines, then halts its scan and sends back an acknowledgement signal on the response wire of the same line whereupon the message is sent out on the aforementioned signaling wire. The message arriving at the receiving section of the unit of destination is temporarily stored in another memory before being fed to the associated microprocessor for further treatment as the scan is resumed.
申请公布号 US4528658(A) 申请公布日期 1985.07.09
申请号 US19820417371 申请日期 1982.09.13
分类号 H04Q3/545;(IPC1-7):H04Q3/00 主分类号 H04Q3/545
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