发明名称 Photoprinting and processing device - stores and processing colour or black and white film in light proof box
摘要 <p>The photographic copying device is capable of storing, exposing and processing both colour and black and white photosensitive material. It includes an exposing chamber which can be made light tight for handling colour sensitive material or safelight protected for black and white material. Positioning stops in the exposing chamber make it possible to orient photosensitive material in complete darkness. The copying device can be operated in ambient light through light baffles. The material being photographed may be transparent, opaque or in the form of slides. A slide projector section directs light from the slides into the exposing chamber. A central control panel governs all copying operations.</p>
申请公布号 IT1080439(B) 申请公布日期 1985.05.16
申请号 IT19770047774 申请日期 1977.01.24
分类号 G03D;(IPC1-7):G03D/ 主分类号 G03D
代理机构 代理人