发明名称 Video process control apparatus
摘要 A video process control system for identifying, inspecting, or measuring machined parts or the like in which each part is placed in the viewing field of a video camera. A pixel scan of the camera image is converted to a set of binary bits, one bit for pixel, and the bits corresponding to one complete frame are stored in a frame memory. A plurality of digital control words stored in a memory each define a selected area or "window" in the field of view a predetermined number of bits of one value. Each word in memory is used to select a group of the stored pixel bits corresponding to the defined window. A counter counts the number of bits of one value in the select group, and their count is compared with desired number of bits defined by the same control word. The analysis is repeated for a plurality of the control words to get a complete measurement of a part.
申请公布号 US4400728(A) 申请公布日期 1983.08.23
申请号 US19810237689 申请日期 1981.02.24
分类号 G01B11/02;G06T7/60;(IPC1-7):H04N7/18 主分类号 G01B11/02
代理机构 代理人