发明名称 Continuity device for cable screen for plug connector - has screening sheet attached to contact socket linking to plug via cable clip (BE230676)
摘要 <p>The device for producing continuity of the cable screen of a multiple plug connector consists of a plug and socket with the screen of the cable connected to the socket and the plug by a clip. The internal space of the plug and socket contains a screening sheet (SB) attached to the contact socket (KS). It is connected to the cable screen via the cable clip of the plug or the socket on one side and on the other side with one or more contact tags (KF) of the plug or the socket. The screening sheets are formed in such a way that they fit between the contact tags of the plug or the socket. The screening sheets are connected to the contact socket by means of screws or clamps.</p>
申请公布号 IT1051412(B) 申请公布日期 1981.04.21
申请号 IT19750030510 申请日期 1975.12.19
申请人 SIEMENS AG 发明人
分类号 H01R;(IPC1-7):01R/ 主分类号 H01R
代理机构 代理人