摘要 <p>A first MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) NOR-gate device feeding a second MOS NOR-gate device feeding an MOS output load device is arranged to yield a three output level buffer circuit, that is, a circuit whose output to a common data bus line can be &quot;high&quot; (&quot;1&quot;), &quot;low&quot; (&quot;0&quot;), or of very high impedance (&quot;floating&quot;). Each NOR-gate contains a low (&quot;load&quot;) depletion mode MOS transistors (M3, M5) and a high (&quot;driver&quot;) enhancement mode (M4, M&quot;4, M6, M&quot;6) MOS; the output load device contains an output driver enhancement mode MOS transistor (M2) and an output load MOS transistor (M1) having a threshold intermediate that of the depletion mode and enhancement mode M0S transistors. In this manner, only a single voltage source VDD, of typically about +5 volts in N-MOS integrated circuit technology is required to power the buffer circuit completely. </p>
申请公布号 WO1980001528(A1) 申请公布日期 1980.07.24
申请号 US1980000002 申请日期 1980.01.02
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人