发明名称 Polyurethane lacquers for teeth and nails
摘要 <p>The lacquers contain moisture-hardenable urethane pre-polymers or mono-components of type II of the ASTM classification, and natural or synthetic mother-of-pear pigment and/or pigments which give a white coating, and/or other pigments and/or organic soluble dyes. The compositions may contain silicones, cellulose resins or vinyl chloride- vinyl acetate copolymers. The pigments may be omitted, giving a colourless lacquer. The lacquers are prepared in a dry, inert atmosphere, and are sold in hermetically sealed containers under dry nitrogen. The lacquers are used to beautify and protect natural or artificial teeth, or as nail varnishes.</p>
申请公布号 NL6911125(A) 申请公布日期 1970.10.27
申请号 NL19690011125 申请日期 1969.07.18
申请人 发明人
分类号 A61K6/09;A61K8/87;A61Q3/02;C08G18/08;C08G18/10;C08L75/04;C09D175/04;(IPC1-7):61K5/00;08G22/04;61K7/04 主分类号 A61K6/09
代理机构 代理人