发明名称 Gas permeable foil for packing food - is partly covered by layer of non permeable material applied in various patterns
摘要 <p>The gas permeable packing foil which when faced with an appropriate material is used for packing food such as cheese. The foil is provided with a cover of a non-permeable material which is covered by a gas permeable layer. The non-permeable cover consists of a layer of varnish or metal or plastic and is placed on the foil in the form of strips or chess board pattern. The metallic cover consists of aluminium applied by a vacuum metallising method.</p>
申请公布号 FR2340817(A1) 申请公布日期 1977.09.09
申请号 FR19770003279 申请日期 1977.02.04
申请人 WIHURI OY 发明人
分类号 B32B27/08;B65D65/40;(IPC1-7):32B7/02;32B27/06 主分类号 B32B27/08
代理机构 代理人