摘要 A prosthetic scapular device is provided having a generally cup-shaped member, normally of a hemispherical form at least internally, and intracancellous fixation means extending from approximately one half only of the outer surface of the cup. The fixation means, normally in the form of mutually divergent spikes, include long members extending from points adjacent the central radial plane of the relevant cup half and diverge in the same sense from such plane, together with short members on opposite sides of such plane. Preferably, the long members increase in length and divergence from said plane as they approach the cup rim.
申请公布号 US3694820(A) 申请公布日期 1972.10.03
申请号 USD3694820 申请日期 1970.07.29
申请人 发明人
分类号 A61F2/00;A61F2/30;A61F2/40;(IPC1-7):A61F1/24 主分类号 A61F2/00
代理机构 代理人