发明名称 Data processing system and method
摘要 A matrix by vector multiplication processing system (1) comprises a compression engine (2) for receiving and dynamically compressing a stream of elements of a matrix; in which the matrix elements are clustered, and in which the matrix elements are in numerical floating point format, and a memory (SDRAM, 3) for storing the compressed matrix. It also comprises a decompression engine (4) for dynamically decompressing elements retrieved from the memory (3), and a processor (10) for dynamically receiving decompressed elements from the decompression engine (3), and comprising a vector cache (13, 19), and multiplication logic (12, 21) for dynamically multiplying elements of the vector cache with the matrix elements. There is a cache (13) for vector elements to be multiplied by matrix elements to one side of a diagonal, and a separate cache or register (19) for vector elements to be multiplied by matrix elements to the other side of the diagonal. A control mechanism (16, 17, 18) multiplies a single matrix element by a corresponding element in one vector cache and separately by a corresponding element in the other vector cache. The compression engine and the decompression logic are circuits within a single integrated circuit, and the compression engine (2) performs matrix element address compression by generating a relative address for a plurality of clustered elements.
申请公布号 US2009030960(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.01.29
申请号 US20060920244 申请日期 2006.05.15
分类号 G06F17/16;G06F7/52 主分类号 G06F17/16
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