发明名称 Navigation of view relationships in database system
摘要 The invention is an improved system and method for browsing and editing data residing in database tables. The method of the present invention includes the steps of providing a graphical user interface in communication with a database, receiving user input to the graphical user interface, retrieving data from the database, displaying the retrieved data in the graphical user interface, and navigating to one or more referenced database tables or views by user request entered on the graphical user interface. The purpose of referential integrity is to prevent database users or applications from entering inconsistent data into a database. The goal of referential integrity navigation is to allow the user, having retrieved one or more rows of data, to navigate easily to the data in other tables that either refers to or is referred to by that data. These relationships are defined by referential integrity constraints, and the data thus retrieved by navigation is then available for all the operations possible on the original data, including data editing and further relational navigation. By storing a catalog of the relationships known to exist between Oracle's V$ views, the same form of navigation can be provided between these data sources.
申请公布号 US6609122(B1) 申请公布日期 2003.08.19
申请号 US20000629655 申请日期 2000.08.01
分类号 G06F17/30;(IPC1-7):G06F17/30 主分类号 G06F17/30
代理机构 代理人