发明名称 Collecting by a MES system time-stamps of working-statuses
摘要 A method and a system for collecting by a MES time-stamps of working-statuses of machines and operators, called also actors, for the calculation of the time-dependant component of OLE and OEE indicators in a manufacturing task, comprising: a) providing an entity for assigning to an actor the responsibility of data provision, the entity called token; b) defining two meta-statuses for a machine in a task, called operating and booked meta-status respectively, each meta-status grouping a set of machine statuses, the meta-statuses defined as follows: a machine is defined to be in an operating meta-status when the machine is in a status engaged in the task and it is able to know and notify its own status; a machine is defined to be in an booked meta-status when the machine is in a status engaged in the task and it is unable to notify its own status; c) by the MES, collecting the time stamps of the statuses of the machine and/or of the operator in a given manufacturing task;
申请公布号 EP3001361(A1) 申请公布日期 2016.03.30
申请号 EP20140186031 申请日期 2014.09.23
分类号 G06Q10/06 主分类号 G06Q10/06
代理机构 代理人