发明名称 Improved process for the capture and disposal of carbon dioxide
摘要 A hydrogen-containing, high carbon monoxide, low carbon dioxide content gas is mixed with an oxidising gas at high, preferably about 35 bars or above, pressure and fed to a reactor system in which the carbon monoxide is converted, largely or completely, into carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide-rich product gas stream is cooled and then treated to facilitate cold processing, before being further cooled to condense carbon dioxide, which is removed as a liquid, pumped to pipeline pressure and exported. Cooling temperature is not below carbon dioxide solidification temperature of minus 56, and is preferably between minus 20 to minus 30 degrees Celsius. The remaining carbon dioxide is removed from the product gas, by solvent washing. The resulting carbon dioxide-rich solvent is stripped of carbon dioxide at said high pressure in a counter currently operated column, or columns, by one or other or both reaction gas streams, singly or in partial or complete combination. The carbon dioxide-lean solvent is returned to solvent washing for re-use, and the carbon dioxide-laden reactant or reactants stream or streams fed to the reactor system, to raise the carbon dioxide concentration in the reaction product gas stream such that substantially all net carbon dioxide reaction product is condensed in said further cooling stage and removed as liquid for pumping to pipeline pressure and export. The low carbon dioxide content product gas stream leaving solvent washing is sent on to end-use.
申请公布号 GB2457950(A) 申请公布日期 2009.09.02
申请号 GB20080003867 申请日期 2008.03.01
分类号 C01B31/20;B01D53/00;F25J3/02 主分类号 C01B31/20
代理机构 代理人