发明名称 fluid guidance equipments and improving methods for generating efficiency using it
摘要 <p>The present invention relates to a fluid guidance device and a method to increase the power generation efficiency based on the device that can be applied to a power generation turbine using the fluid kinetic energy and a power generation turbine rotating together with the wings and casing. The device in accordance with the invention comprises: panels for fluid guidance; guidance device casing and wire or rope made of high-tensile textile; and winch, hydraulic equipment or pneumatic cylinder. On the outer wall of the panels for fluid guidance, brackets with holes for rope and a panel rotation device on which free ends in the panels for fluid guidance move along the rotational axis are mounted. By operating the winch for the fluid guidance device and the cylinder, one can control the fluid energy used for power generation efficiently so that the free ends in the panels for fluid guidance combined with the panels for fluid guidance can change its cross-section size depending on the fluid speed.</p>
申请公布号 KR20150042173(A) 申请公布日期 2015.04.20
申请号 KR20150044830 申请日期 2015.03.31
申请人 发明人
分类号 F01D9/02;F01D25/00;F03B3/18;F03B15/02;F03D1/04;F03D3/04 主分类号 F01D9/02
代理机构 代理人