发明名称 Prosthetic Joints
摘要 Methods are described for improving the performance of implanted prosthetic joints through the use of magnetic technology. Arrays of magnets are employed to modify static and/or dynamic loads developed on prosthetic joints during their use. Resulting advantages include, but are not limited to: longer functional prosthetic life; reduced frequency of surgical procedures for repair or replacement of prosthetics; reduced rate of prosthetic-associated complications such as osteolysis and/or joint dislocation; and enhanced economic benefits proceeding from these advantages.
申请公布号 US2015005886(A1) 申请公布日期 2015.01.01
申请号 US201313933061 申请日期 2013.07.01
申请人 Pinneo John Michael 发明人 Pinneo John Michael
分类号 A61F2/30 主分类号 A61F2/30
代理机构 代理人
主权项 1. A prosthetic joint, at least one component of which has within it a plurality of magnets disposed so as to provide increased utility of the prosthetic joint.
地址 Portola Valley CA US