发明名称 Device for distance measurement
摘要 The present invention relates to a method for measuring the distance to an object to be worked on by a work tool, wherein the method comprises the steps of applying a voltage field to the work tool, measuring the current between the work tool and the object, comparing the current with a predefined value, which value is based on a predetermined distance between the work tool and the object, and indicating if the measured current exceeds the predefined value, which provides information that the object is within a certain distance from the work tool. The method further comprises, when the work tool is an electrostatic paint applicator, the steps of measuring the voltage of the electrostatic applicator, measuring the saturation current between the applicator and the object, determining the onset voltage where the ionization begins, which voltage is dependent on the distance to the object, calculating the actual distance to the object based on the measured voltage and current taking into account the distance dependent onset voltage. The present invention also relates to a device and a computer program product for performing the method.
申请公布号 EP1873479(B1) 申请公布日期 2014.09.17
申请号 EP20060013223 申请日期 2006.06.27
分类号 G01B7/02 主分类号 G01B7/02
代理机构 代理人