发明名称 System and Method for Encoding and Controlled Authentication
摘要 A system and method for encoding and controlled authentication of security documents, ID cards, tickets and products and the like is described which can provide a secure means to determine them to be authentic. The method involves encoding the surface of the said security documents or ID cards or tickets and the like with of a pair of identity components comprising a pair of unique numbers, or a combination of a uniquely encoded image and a unique number, or a combination of a unique barcode and a unique number, or a combination of encoded images. The pair of identity components together comprise a challenge response pair and are related such that one component of the pair, the response, is a mathematical derivative of the other component, the challenge. A processing module determines the response by processing the challenge using complex mathematical functions such as one-way mathematical functions. If the processed response matches the encoded response, the challenge response pair is determined to be authentic. The use of one-way mathematical functions renders any attempt to compute the challenge response relation between the identity components outside polynomial time. The invention provides the means to modify the challenge response computation with a password or PIN number such that any document or ticket or product can be locked or unlocked accordingly. When locked, the password or PIN number corrupts the challenge response computation such that the challenge response pair is deemed non-authentic. The invention has direct application to Internet sales transactions.
申请公布号 US2013173484(A1) 申请公布日期 2013.07.04
申请号 US201113823368 申请日期 2011.09.19
分类号 G06Q30/00 主分类号 G06Q30/00
代理机构 代理人