发明名称 Methods and apparatus for authenticating mobility entities using kerberos
摘要 Methods and apparatus for generating and transmitting dynamically generated session keys are disclosed. A key distribution center generates a session key between the key distribution center and a first mobility entity (e.g., an access point). Once the session key between the key distribution center and the access point is transmitted to the access point, the access point retrieves a shared session key between the access point and a Mobile Node from the key distribution center, which is then transmitted to the Mobile Node, enabling the Mobile Node to connect to the network. Similarly, either the Mobile Node or its Home Agent retrieves a session key between the key distribution center and the access point from the key distribution center, enabling a shared session key between the Home Agent and the Mobile Node to be obtained from the key distribution center. The Mobile Node (or Home Agent) then transmits the shared session key to the Home Agent (or Mobile Node). Once the shared session key is obtained by both the Home Agent and the Mobile Node, the shared session key is used to authenticate registration messages (e.g., including registration request and reply packets). In this manner, dynamically generated session keys may be used to securely transmit registration messages in a Mobile IP environment.
申请公布号 US7870389(B1) 申请公布日期 2011.01.11
申请号 US20020328522 申请日期 2002.12.24
分类号 H04L9/00 主分类号 H04L9/00
代理机构 代理人