发明名称 Method for Producing and Visualizing an Optically Hidden Mark
摘要 The utility model can be used to visualize hidden images (marks) that are used to identify the object, thereby providing protection against forgery. The device includes means for cooling of the viewed object (VO), the mirror-like surface (MS) of which includes an optically invisible marking image formed by modifying an area of MS by chaining the surface energy of the modified area. Said optically invisible marking image is characterized by the possibility of visualization through the establishment of a meta-stable environment of water vapor in the area of the MS of the object in the process of cooling VO. A visually perceptible image of the optically invisible mark is obtained in the form of distinguished structures formed by stable phase particles of the meta-stable environment at the sites of the MS of VO having different surface energy. The cooling device contains a designated placement location for VO is embodied in the form of Peltier element realizing the Peltier effect. Contacts and of Peltier element are connected to an electrical circuit with adjustable amperage. The designated placement location is located on the external, visually accessible surface of contact of the cooled Peltier element, enabling the placement of VO in an area with a non-homogenous temperature field and the cooling of MS of VO to a temperature below the dew point temperature of water vapor in the environment surrounding MS by controlled changes in the temperature of the Peltier element cooled contact. The device may be equipped with optical means of visual observation of the visualized marking image.
申请公布号 US2010054528(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.03.04
申请号 US20090375906 申请日期 2009.11.06
分类号 G06K9/00 主分类号 G06K9/00
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