发明名称 Method for accommodating the use of chemicals that contain low amounts of VOC in an existing device where chemicals that contained high levels of VOC had previously been used and resultant product
摘要 This method to allow the use of low VOC (volatile organic compounds) solvents in blanket cleaning operations and the resultant product that is produced by this method involves the retrofitting of currently existing seals on printing press so that operators can use low VOC solvents in place of high VOC solvents. High VOC solvents are harmful to the atmosphere and humans alike. As VOC are lighter than the surrounding air, humans are subjected to inhalation of these harmful vapors which cause respiratory and other health ailments. The VOC continue to rise, mixing with nitrogen oxides, until they reach the troposphere forming thick layers of ozone or smog. The current movement of municipalities to limit the use of high VOC solvents have lead printers and others to use low VOC solvents which are inherently less evaporative than high VOC solvents. This lack of evaporation causes problems with having to handle greater volumes of waste to handle and dispose properly. Catch pans and basins designed to work in high VOC applications are insufficiently engineered to handle this increased waste and seals that are sized to fit the catch pans and basins are designed to be permeable to allow for the evaporation of the VOC. This method creates an impermeable seal with similar sizing to retrofit the existing seal allowing the user to simply change the seal versus changing the entire catch pan.
申请公布号 US2008290545(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.11.27
申请号 US20070754124 申请日期 2007.05.25
分类号 B65D53/06 主分类号 B65D53/06
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