发明名称 Method and Apparatus for Transforming Wave or Field Alternations Into Repetitive Thrusts
摘要 The subject of this invention is a method and apparatus of transforming consequent wave or field alternations into repetitive unidirectional thrusts in a synchronized manner. In the general classical version of the principle, the magnetic part of an appropriate coherent electromagnetic wave is synchronized to interact with appropriately prepared cyclic or oscillatory motion of charge. This produces repeated deflection thrusts pushing the charge toward a precise average direction. The principle may apply at the border of quantum physics, particularly under certain transitional cases. An apparatus is also provided that allows the principle to apply in many adjacent wave antinodes. The part of the wave that has participated in the interaction may carry non-classical attributes, which the method produces. The general principle may operate with other kinds of waves as well, for example with sound waves providing unidirectional synchronized thrusts upon revolving surfaces.
申请公布号 US2007278975(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.12.06
申请号 US20050592397 申请日期 2005.01.13
分类号 H05H9/00;G21K1/00 主分类号 H05H9/00
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