发明名称 System and method for generic symbol recognition and user authenication using a communication device with imaging capabilities
摘要 A system and method for recognizing symbols and identifying users or services, including the displaying of an image or vide clip on a display device (302) in which identification information is embedded in the image or video clip, the capturing the image or video clip on and imaging device (303), the transmitting of the image or video clip from the imaging device to a communication network (305), the transmitting of the image or video clip from the communication network to a processing and authentication server (306), the processing of the information embedded in the image or video clip by the server to identify logos, alphanumeric characters, special symbols in the image or video clip, and converting the identified logos or characters or symbols into a digital format to identify the user or location of the user or service provided to the user.
申请公布号 GB2437428(A) 申请公布日期 2007.10.24
申请号 GB20070010975 申请日期 2005.12.05
分类号 G06K9/00;G06K9/36;G06K9/62;G06K9/68;G09C3/00;G09C3/08;G09C5/00;H04L9/00 主分类号 G06K9/00
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