发明名称 Topical/on-the-skin estrogen cream, lotion, ointment, hair tonic, shampoo and wound healing powder
摘要 The Claimed Invention is the topical-to-skin use of generic estradiol, estriol, conjugated estrogens, or any other synthetic estrogen within a non-absorbable generic vehicle of cream, lotion, ointment, shampoo, hair tonic, and wound-healing powder, having no absorbents or deconstructors in their formulas. This invention causes skin basal cells to produce increased quantities of collagen and to retain skin-water resulting in increased skin-thickness. This increased thickness results in improved resilience, resistance to injury, trauma and infection. The target of this invention is the skin and skin only. Specifically, there is no intended absorption of hormone into the circulation to result in side effects or risk. Any possible unintended and minimal quantity of hormone absorbed would be metabolized normally by the liver and excreted in the urine without risk or awareness to the user. Improving skin health and healing existing injuries/disease can save individuals from mid 30's and older, and society in general millions of dollars annually in skin-related health care costs.
申请公布号 US2007009470(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.01.11
申请号 US20060475797 申请日期 2006.06.27
分类号 A61K8/64 主分类号 A61K8/64
代理机构 代理人