发明名称 Method and apparatus for arranging social meetings
摘要 Individuals, couples, and families subscribe to a computerized service for facilitating the arrangement of their outings and social meetings. Subscribers fill in wish-lists to specify their level of interest in specific attractions, in getting together with specific other subscribers, and in arranging their preferred schedules for outings. An encounter generator processes the subscriber wish-lists to identify matches of subscribers who are interested in the same attraction, who favor each other's company, and who are free at the same time. The system notifies the matched subscribers, optionally offering ticketing and/or reservation assistance. Partial matches are optionally referred to the respective subscribers for negotiating the unmatched schedule or attraction. The system is adaptable to serve singles who wish to identify and get to know a prospective mate through mutual visits to attractions, as well as individuals, couples, and families who want to go out with their existing friends or make new friends.
申请公布号 US2006143214(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.06.29
申请号 US20060344816 申请日期 2006.02.01
分类号 G06F17/00 主分类号 G06F17/00
代理机构 代理人