发明名称 Disposable intestinal intubator with drain and irrigator
摘要 The invention is intended for secure emptying of organism's cavities, particularly for colon decompression. The device combine the drain with means of its delivery in the shape of everting by fluid invaginator, comprising the drain, as well as their intractor. The secure emptying of cavity is ensured by a hose with punctures, placed in drain. The liquid, feeding into hose, realizes drain's recanalization, irrigates its holes and dilutes cavity contents. Transportation of drain into colon is ensured by synergy of two intubation forces. The vanguard force is generated by fluid pressure which everts invaginator, the rearguard (extraanal)-by "cylinder-piston" unit with a cuff. The hollow unit's piston acts as pneumatic carriage, but cuff is periodically joining with invaginator with drain or intractor. Evacuaton of contents is ensured by influx-and-extract method. The sequential connection of intractor and drain ensures not only intubation, but also contents' evacuation through both ends of drain. On the drawing is represented cecum with a distal fragment of drain-irrigation system of device: at left-in "evacuation" mode, at right-in "drain's recanalizaton-irrigation", "intestines irrigation" mode.
申请公布号 US2006079861(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.04.13
申请号 US20050518218 申请日期 2005.08.04
分类号 A61M1/00;A61M3/02;A61M25/01 主分类号 A61M1/00
代理机构 代理人