发明名称 Method and system for detecting potential race conditions in multithreaded programs
摘要 A dynamic race detection system and method overcomes drawbacks of previous lockset approaches, which may produce many false positives, particularly in the context of thread fork/join and asynchronous calls. For each shared memory location, a set of locks that are protecting the location and a set of concurrent thread segments that are accessing the location are maintained. To maintain these sets, each thread maintains a set of locks it is currently holding and a set of thread segments ordered before its current thread segment. Each thread also maintains a virtual clock that is incremented when it forks a second thread. A thread segment is a pair comprising a thread identifier and a virtual clock value. A data race is reported when the lockset for a particular shared memory location is empty and the cardinality of the set of concurrent threads for that memory location is greater than one.
申请公布号 EP1591895(A2) 申请公布日期 2005.11.02
申请号 EP20050102224 申请日期 2005.03.21
分类号 G06F9/52;G06F9/46 主分类号 G06F9/52
代理机构 代理人