发明名称 System and method of using life insurance to generate income
摘要 The invention includes a system and method of using life insurance to generate income for a property owner, the property owner's estate, and/or a developer of the land held by the property owner. One operation is identifying an insurable interest associated with a property and an individual with a property interest. Another operation is entering into a contractual relationship to create an insurable interest between a third party and the individual with a property interest to provide income to the individual with a property interest. Life insurance can be acquired on the life of the individual with a property interest in response to the contractual agreement. A face value of the life insurance is based at least in part on the property value. A financing party can also be permitted to pay premiums for the life insurance. The individual with a property interest can be paid at least a portion of the face value of the life insurance at least as early as a death benefit is paid.
申请公布号 US2005203822(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.09.15
申请号 US20050070275 申请日期 2005.03.01
分类号 (IPC1-7):G06F17/60 主分类号 (IPC1-7):G06F17/60
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