摘要 <p>A cutting device (10) is operable with one hand for cutting an elliptical shape in a sheet of material. The cutting device (10) includes an elliptically-shaped base plate (12) for placement on the sheet material and a cutting member (16) for simultaneous pivotal and translatable movement with respect to the base plate. The base plate (12) has a first pivot point that is movable along a first axis, while the cutting member (16) has a second pivot point that is movable along a second axis substantially perpendicular to the first axis. The base plate (12) and cutting member (16) are operably connected to each other at the first and second pivot points. A knob (22) is connected to one of pivot points and is sized to be grasped by one hand and rotated. Rotation of the knob (22) about the one pivot point causes the cutting member (16) to rotate and slide in an elliptical pattern with respect to the base plate (12) to thereby cut an elliptical shape in the sheet of material.</p>
申请公布号 WO2000012275(A1) 申请公布日期 2000.03.09
申请号 US1999019389 申请日期 1999.08.24
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人