摘要 A floating point processor (10) is provided having a multiplier (48) and an ALU (54) for performing arithmetic calculations simultaneously. The output of the multiplier (48) and ALU (54) are stored in a product register (64) and a sum register (66), respectively. Multiplexers (40,42,44,46) are provided at the inputs to the multiplier (48) and the ALU (54). The multiplexers choose between data in input registers (32,34), product and sum registers (64,66), and an output register (76). Since the multiplier (48) and ALU (54) operate simultaneously, and since the outputs of the multiplier (48) and ALU (54) are available to the multiplexers (40-46), product of sums calculations and sum of products calculations may be performed rapidly. An input stage (12) uses a temporary register (18) to store data from a data bus on the first clock edge, and configuration logic (28) for directing data from the data bus and the temporary register (18) to the input registers (32,34) on a second clock edge.
申请公布号 JP2618604(B2) 申请公布日期 1997.06.11
申请号 JP19940086249 申请日期 1994.04.25
申请人 发明人
分类号 G06F7/00;G06F7/544;G06F7/57;G06F17/10 主分类号 G06F7/00
代理机构 代理人