摘要 <p>A walk-in child playhouse having pivotally attached seating surfaces. In one embodiment, the walk-in child playhouse comprises an enclosed rotomolded plastic structure having walls, a roof, and at least one chair or seat member pivotally attached to the playhouse. In another embodiment, the walk-in child playhouse has a garden party theme in which the roof has a canopy portion overhanging the rear of the house. Under the canopy are two chairs or seat members pivotally connected to the rear wall and the roof via a pair of continuous bosses, the rear wall also having a substantially horizontally extending table disposed between the chairs and under the canopy. In another embodiment, the playhouse comprises a series of double-walled hollow parts that are interconnected by a unique snap interlock system. In yet another embodiment, the playhouse comprises a lateral connection member for joining various wall panels at a lower portion thereof. The playhouse may also include other features, such as a sink, stove, telephone and inside molded, non-pivotal seat and table surfaces.</p>
申请公布号 WO1997006868(A2) 申请公布日期 1997.02.27
申请号 US1996013197 申请日期 1996.08.14
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人