发明名称 Method and apparatus for providing runtime checking features in a compiled programming development environment
摘要 A method and apparatus for performing runtime checking during program execution in a compiled environment using the full ANSI-C programming language. The present invention detects a number of errors during runtime that cannot be found by a compiler at the precise moment that a respective C language restriction is violated. The present invention also provides the user with a direct indication of the problem, thus saving debugging time. The runtime checking features of the present invention further detects when a user is using library functions improperly. When C source code is compiled, the present invention allocates special data structures for every pointer, array and structure object in the program. An association is made between each of these objects, and its special data structure in the compiler symbol table. At runtime, these data structures contain status information about their associated objects. The present invention also inserts special machine language instructions for C expressions during compilation that either modify values in the special data structures or call internal runtime checking functions according to the present invention that use the information in the respective data structures to determine whether an expression is illegal and report errors if necessary. The runtime checking features of the present invention include a method for specifying precise restrictions on the arguments that may be passed to library functions. These restrictions are used to determine whether arguments to library functions conform to their respective restrictions and reports any violations to the user at runtime, indicating which argument caused the error and which restriction was violated.
申请公布号 US5583988(A) 申请公布日期 1996.12.10
申请号 US19940208559D 申请日期 1994.03.09
分类号 G06F11/36;(IPC1-7):G06F11/00 主分类号 G06F11/36
代理机构 代理人