发明名称 Water safety and survival system
摘要 A water safety and survival system that provides a multi-chambered personal flotation device that operates on minimal volume to create a single heads up righting moment that reliably stabilizes an unconscious victim with his airway out of the water. This is accomplished with a minimal amount of lift, less deflated bulk, improved cosmetic appeal and reduced cost. These combined advances result in a safety vest conducive to actually being worn, a key feature for a safety vest. The system also provides for incorporation of a separating second inflatable life ring, rescue board, artificial respiration assist platform and ultimately a raft for removal of the victim from the water to protect him from hypothermia. This sequentially inflated, multi-chambered, multi-faceted inflatable rescue product is incorporated within the body of the safety vest. The incorporation of a wide range of rescue products into the body of the personal flotation device will reduce the incidence of that dual tragedy that occurs when the rescuer becomes the second victim. This water survival system when adapted to the special needs of the scuba diver requires the incorporation of a tank compensating keel to offset the deleterious effects of a buoyant empty tank whose buoyancy can force the divers airway under the water. Further adaptation for use underwater also includes a system to adjust the volume of the primary buoyancy compensation chamber and variable valve for segregation and reliable regulation of one or more additional surface flotation chambers underwater. The design of the separating chambers coincides with responsibilities and goals of the diver. These and more modifications for the safe underwater use of the heads up safety vest are critical in order to mitigate the risk of rapid ascent and its consequences, arterial gas embolism and decompression sickness.
申请公布号 US5516233(A) 申请公布日期 1996.05.14
申请号 US19930149137 申请日期 1993.11.08
分类号 B63C9/125;B63C11/08;(IPC1-7):B63C11/02 主分类号 B63C9/125
代理机构 代理人