摘要 <p>Apparatus in a simple low cost camera for encoding predetermined formats of exposed image frames on film of the type having a magnetic layer (26) thereon in which there are a plurality of parallel data tracks (40, 42, 44) prerecorded on the film. A user-operable selector means (16) on the camera is set to establish the format of an image frame to be exposed on the film. In response to the selector means, a magnetic means is translated laterally across the film to position a magnetic erasure field in the path of one or more of the prerecorded data tracks to cause erasure of a segment of the selected tracks associated with the image frame. Preferably, the erasure field is always in the path of a first of a plurality of tracks to simultaneoulsy indicate both normal format and the extent of film usage. Movement of the erasure field into the path of one or more additional adjacent data tracks is used to indicate pseudo image formats such as pseudo-tele and pseudo-pan prints. The selected erased segments can then be detected at tthe photofinishing printer to cause printing of the appropriate normal or pseudo-format prints.</p>
申请公布号 WO1992022004(A1) 申请公布日期 1992.12.10
申请号 US1992004366 申请日期 1992.05.27
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人