发明名称 Reclamation method and apparatus for soil and other products
摘要 A method and apparatus for remedial treatment of soil with volatile contaminants includes a rotating drum having a firebox projecting a flame into the discharge end of the drum. An inlet conveyor enters soil which tumbles through the drum atmosphere which is recycled through the firebox and drum for contaminant incineration in the drum. The recycled atmosphere moves in a circular path about the outer edge of the furner flame to form an annular flame projecting into the drum. A part of the drum recycled atmosphere processed through a final burn box to destroy remaining contaminants, and a cooler for cooling the atmosphere. A separator connected to the cooler separates solids and moisture to discharge a contaminant free atmosphere. The temperature of the discharged soil and the recycled atmosphere from the drum as well as the final processed atmosphere is monitored for controlling the system operation. The several mechanical and electrical components are monitored to provide selected system control. A portable unit includes a mobile base frame with the drum with the attached firebox and burn box mounted side-by-side. A U-shaped cooler pipe and a horizontal centrifugal separator overlying the drum and box. A recycle pipe and blower is located within the cooler piping to form an over-the-road mobile unit. Special components and interconnections are shown and described.
申请公布号 US5121699(A) 申请公布日期 1992.06.16
申请号 US19910654164 申请日期 1991.02.12
分类号 B09C1/06;F23G7/14 主分类号 B09C1/06
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