发明名称 Method for disposal of aerosol spray containers
摘要 A method for disposal of aerosol dispensers and the contents thereof, which comprises cooling of the aerosol dispenser and its residual contents to a temperature below which the propellant exhibits a substantial vapor pressure (i.e., below the boiling point(s) of the propellant(s)). It is then possible to puncture the container without danger of an uncontrolled release of the contents. The cold liquefied propellant and any additional liquid contents of the spray container may then be drained, without any danger of propellant release to the atmosphere, into a collection container capable of subsequently accommodating the vapor pressure of the propellant at ambient temperature. The container is sealed while its contents are still cold and the liquid is allowed to reach ambient temperature, whereby the propellant regains its vapor pressure and some of the propellant mixture returns to a gaseous form. The propellant may be recovered from the container and introduced into suitable containers for transport and ultimate reuse or disposal. The residual liquid in the collection container is also collected for disposal and/or recovery of various components thereof.
申请公布号 US5088526(A) 申请公布日期 1992.02.18
申请号 US19890447952 申请日期 1989.12.07
分类号 B09B3/00 主分类号 B09B3/00
代理机构 代理人