发明名称 Method and apparatus for effectively receiving voice input to a voice recognition system
摘要 Processing voice information is performed to complete a task with minimal human intervention. Information received by the automated system from the caller is fed into a speech recognition system, which attempts to recognize the information. The caller's input also is recorded by a recording device. The task is completed if the information is reliably recognized. If the information is not reliably recognized, the speech recognition system optionally requests that the information be repeated. The repeated information is received by the system, and the speech recognition system again attempts to identify the information. The task is completed if the repeated information is reliably recognized. If the repeated information is again not reliably recognized by the speech recognition system, and usually without the caller knowing, the spoken information is transmitted to a human attendant who attempts to identify the information by a playback of the recorded information and possibly a visual display of the speech recognition system's proposed solution to what the caller stated. If the caller's information is recognized, the human attendant then inputs the information so that the system can complete the task. If the human attendant is also unable to recognize the information, the attendant directly requests further information from the caller until the desired information is received.
申请公布号 US5033088(A) 申请公布日期 1991.07.16
申请号 US19890453108 申请日期 1989.12.21
分类号 G10L15/22;H04M3/51;H04M3/527 主分类号 G10L15/22
代理机构 代理人