发明名称 Light wt. press for winemaking grapes
摘要 The wheeled chassis carries an inflatable membrane press mounted above a juice reception tank. The press comprises a series of pressure applying, flexible bags which are inflatable by compressed air. The fruit is advanced along a perforated screen on top of the tank, moving under each bag in turn to be subjected to progressively increasing pressure. - Pref. the bags are arranged in a single file alongside each other, each sharing a common side wall with its neighbour(s). The tops of the bags are pref. contained within a rigid, semi-cylindrical channel. The perforated screen forms a complementary, coaxial, semi-cylindrical channel and the underside of the bags inflates to conform the contour of the screen. Pref. each bag has an inlet valve for compressed air and the air pressure in each bag is independently controllable. - The press can be operated close to the harvesting area so that grapes are not precrushed and juice lost or spoiled by transportation in heavy lorries. The gentle pressing action of the inflated bags does not mix waste deposits, dust, moss and other residues. (0/3)
申请公布号 ES8500814(A3) 申请公布日期 1985.02.01
申请号 ES19120005294 申请日期 1984.02.02
分类号 B30B9/22;(IPC1-7):30B9/22 主分类号 B30B9/22
代理机构 代理人