发明名称 Composting unit for organic waste using worms - has container with at least two compartments separated by perforated partition
摘要 <p>The composting unit is intended for converting organic (waste) materials into stable humus through the action of worms. Unit comprises a container with closed bottom, top and/or sides and having at least two compartments sepd. by a partition perforated to permit worm migration from one to the other compartment. - The container may consist of a frame of light-weight tubes or rods connected at the corners. The partition may consist of natural synthetic or mineral fibres or a steel wooden or plastic plate with openings of few millimetres wide. The container may have a closure flap to prevent drying out of contents and provide protection from sun light and predators.</p>
申请公布号 BE899797(A2) 申请公布日期 1984.11.30
申请号 BE19840213043 申请日期 1984.05.30
分类号 C05F17/00;C05F17/02;(IPC1-7):05F/;65D/;16S/ 主分类号 C05F17/00
代理机构 代理人