摘要 <p>A system for three-dimensional viewing of stereoscopic projections, comprising a group of devices, Fig. 1 (2, 3, 4) that permits alternating projection of the right and left images of pairs of stereoscopic films or diapositives, or alternating display of the odd-numbered line fields corresponding to the left images and the even-numbered line fields of the right images of the stereoscopic programs received from television transmitters, so that, on the projection screens or television sets, one image is shown at a time, that is, one left-handed one, one right-handed one, and so on, in a certain frequency of images or fields per second, permitting the viewer or televiewer using eyeglasses with alternating shutters, Fig. 4 (3-8) synchronized with the projection devices or television sets to see with the left eye only the left images or odd-numbered line fields, and with the right eye the right images or even-numbered line fields, of stereoscopic pairs, at the same frequency of images or fields per second projected or transmitted resulting in the impression of three-dimensional images, although the images are projected or displayed on an essentially two-dimensional surface. </p>
申请公布号 WO1979001035(A1) 申请公布日期 1979.11.29
申请号 BR1979000004 申请日期 1979.05.03
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人