发明名称 Circular slide rule performing trigonometrical calculations - has coloured scales, square grid and pointers providing variety of mathematical functions
摘要 <p>A slide-rule is used for the demonstration of mathematical functions. It consists of a square card carrying a set of circular scales and a cursor with a cruciform pointer arrangement. The slide rule may perform calculations in elementary trigonometry. The function F(X):Y = aX + b may be studied, with the function F(X) : y = c. In addition to the circular scales the slide rule card carries a rectangular grid which is of use in the trigonometrical calculations. The various scales and pointers are colour coded for ease of identification.</p>
申请公布号 FR2388340(A2) 申请公布日期 1978.11.17
申请号 FR19760030692 申请日期 1976.10.11
分类号 G06G1/00;(IPC1-7):06C1/00;09B19/02 主分类号 G06G1/00
代理机构 代理人