发明名称 Purificn. appts. for waste water and sewage - for individual houses and operating by full oxidn. or as digester-clarifier
摘要 <p>Biological purificn. appts., for domestic waste water and sewage, operates either by full oxidn. by means of activated sludge or as a digester/clarifier followed by an aerobic treatment. The effluent arrives through the inlet pipe which dips into the primary digestion cell, to prevent smells from reaching the building; it is oxidised by air from the compressor entering by a row of nozzles, when the appts. operates by full oxidn. When used as a digester/clarifier, the chimney surmounting a cone serves as the zone of the floating materials. The effluent thus treated passes into the primary clarifying cell through a longitudinal orifice, so as to trap the floating, and re-circulate the heavy, matter. The clarified water passes into a second oxidn. cell through an orifice high up in a partition. This cell is filled with a filtering material of the pozzolana type; this is generated by blowing nozzles. The effluent then goes to the final clarifier through an orifice at the base of another partition. The treated effluent finally leaves through a 'T' joint. Appts. is arranged in a single block for individual houses and small communities; it can operate whether it is used by fewer or more than a given number of persons.</p>
申请公布号 FR2372773(A1) 申请公布日期 1978.06.30
申请号 FR19760036897 申请日期 1976.12.02
分类号 C02F3/12;C02F3/30;(IPC1-7):02C1/06 主分类号 C02F3/12
代理机构 代理人