发明名称 Dike with automatic level control
摘要 <p>The sluices are of flexible material, stiffened by horizontal bars encased in it to prevent corrosion. Pressure of water against the dike wall normally holds them shut, but pressure in the opposite direction forces them open. To allow water to flow out of the dike, a rope attached to the bottom of each sluice is hauled upwards, causing it to fold away from the conduit mouth. The valves in the normal stationary position are inclined against the dike wall. The valves lateral edges contact guide channels which prevents the valve surface from being subjected to lateral currents.</p>
申请公布号 BE818830(A5) 申请公布日期 1974.12.02
申请号 BE19740147585 申请日期 1974.08.14
申请人 发明人
分类号 E02B3/10;(IPC1-7):02B/ 主分类号 E02B3/10
代理机构 代理人