摘要 Most contests have a contest theme or question and then the judges are to pick the winners objectively. However, the mental process of deciding the winner is rather subjective than objective. In our Contest Website Portal, we endeavor to improve the mental decision process by introducing the Winning Factor Combination that is founded on virtues of the entry submission. By defining the meaning of the virtues together with the contest, contestants can work towards expressing these virtues in their entries while the voters or judges can decide more objectively. These virtues are expressed separately and represented under different letters in the Winning Factor Combination. Winner, who garner the most votes under that particular letter or Winning Factor, will get a prize as well as Winning Factor Status Points reflecting the virtues and qualities in his contest entry. This mechanism not only make the contest more objective-oriented but also gear all parties towards building great virtues in their works and decision¬ making process. To complement the virtual Contest Portal, there is a Board Game that comprises of a game board, a stack of cards and a palm-sized portable electronic device (named as Win Piece). Win Piece holds Winning Entry database from the Contest Portal and is used to generate digital cards with Winning Factors, Winning Factor Status Points, Counter Conditions and Quotes that can be used when playing the board game. As most board games become boring and routine, the unpredictable and ever-growing database of Winning Entry Cards derived from winning entries to contests in the Contest Website Portal serve to keep the enthusiasm of gamers alive. Besides, this integrated mechanism of using a virtual contest website portal and a board game based on the Winning Factors and Winning Factor Status Points serves to open, nurture and share the wisdom of gamers in an international arena.
申请公布号 WO2017052476(A2) 申请公布日期 2017.03.30
申请号 WO2017SG50056 申请日期 2017.02.09
申请人 AMIE ONE PTE LTD 发明人 KWOK, May Chee
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人