发明名称 Method and apparatus for the passive location of radio signal transmitters
摘要 <p>Method and apparatus for locating sources (P1,P2) emitting radio signals comprising a plurality of passive antennae (R11,R12,R21,R22,R30) arranged at different locations (S1,S2,S3), having - at least two pairs (R10,R20) of receiving antennae which are positioned in at least two different locations (S1,S2) situated ata suitable distance (D1) from each other; - at least one additional receiving antenna (R30) arranged at a third location (S3) situated at a suitable distance (D2,D3) from each one of the two said first locations (S1,S2); - devices for digitally processing the signals, mounted on each of said antennae and able to generate, for each signal received, a digital report containing at least the time of arrival (TOA) of the signal at the respective antenna; - a synchronization sysem able to supply a synchrnoizing signal to all the antennae; - a centralized date procesisng unit (E) able to process the information contained in the said reports received from the respective antennae; - a communications system which connects each antenna to the processing unit for tranmission of the respective reports.</p>
申请公布号 IL206287(A) 申请公布日期 2015.06.30
申请号 IL20100206287 申请日期 2010.06.10
分类号 G01S 主分类号 G01S
代理机构 代理人