发明名称 Novel organic materials and methods for obtaining thereof
摘要 Methods for obtaining Tamaritt and Tamaritt-Intermediate based materials are implemented through a secondary chemical reactor providing a second chemical reaction conducted with at least two reactants. The first reactant is Tamaritt and the second is an inorganic, or organic, or bio-molecular reagent, or their combination. Tamaritt is produced in a primary chemical reactor, modulating chemical reactions, preferably using a plasma device, and producing certain byproducts. A solid organic dye is dissolved in water producing a solution placed into the primary reactor, wherein the temperature and pressure are predeterminedly adjusted. The byproducts are injected into the solution, thereby commencing a first chemical reaction conducted until it finally results in obtaining Tamaritt. Tamaritt-Intermediate byproducts, being bond-altering catalyst-reagents, are obtained at a certain stage of the process. The resulted Tamaritt-Intermediate byproducts can act as separate agents or, in combinations, can participate in novel reactions with organic solutions producing distinct and useful materials.
申请公布号 US2011178267(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.07.21
申请号 US20100657194 申请日期 2010.01.15
分类号 C08G63/06;C07C229/00;C07D473/04;C07H1/00;C07H5/06;C07K1/00 主分类号 C08G63/06
代理机构 代理人