发明名称 Integrated control mechanism for handheld electronic devices
摘要 An integrated control mechanism integrates a touch sense control mechanism on the top and an electrical switch control mechanism underneath the touch sense control mechanism. The integrated control mechanism is operated by a thumb-tip touch action on surface of the touch sense control mechanism to operate the touch sense control mechanism and by thumb-tip pressure on the same touch sense control mechanism to operate the electrical switch control mechanism underneath. Using an integrated control mechanism operated by a human thumb-tip enables the human hand to hold handheld devices in the palm and fingers and the human thumb-tip via the integrated control mechanism to be able to operate various functions and operational modes of the handheld device. The integrated control mechanism may be used in many types of handheld electronic devices.
申请公布号 US2011095988(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.04.28
申请号 US20090589487 申请日期 2009.10.24
分类号 G06F3/041 主分类号 G06F3/041
代理机构 代理人