发明名称 Hydroelectric Generator and Its Method of use
摘要 A hydroelectric generator that provides a clean source of energy. The hydroelectric generator uses pressurized air as a driving force. The hydroelectric generator comprises of a pipe like housing structure that is anchored to a seabed, the structure is anchored so that water enters through the end of the structure adjacent to the seabed. The structure houses at least one impeller mounted on a shaft and the shaft is operatively connected to an electrical generator. The end of the pipe adjacent to the seabed further comprises of an air injection system., the air injection system has a plurality of openings that release pressurized air within the structure. At least one air compressor connected to at least one air tank. Each air tank is connected, to the air injection system. The air compressor., the air tanks, and the air injection system are all connected by air lines.
申请公布号 US2010301611(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.12.02
申请号 US20090476080 申请日期 2009.06.01
分类号 F03B13/10;F03B17/04 主分类号 F03B13/10
代理机构 代理人