发明名称 Adapt to destination locale
摘要 The prepaid system comprises of a system center (host computer network) including an account database containing prepaid accounts, a PDL database containing specifications for rates and feature associated with preferred designation locales (PDL), and a card-type database containing default card specific data. The user connects to the system center by dialing an access number, the system center prompts the user to enter a personal identification number (PIN), the system center receives the PIN and determines if is valid. If the system center determines that the PIN is valid, the system center prompts the user to enter a destination number. The user also has the option to designate a PDL for the prepaid account. If the user designates a PDL, the system center records the PDL in the account database. Subsequently, the behavior of the prepaid account with respect to rates and other features is subject to the PDL designated for the prepaid account.
申请公布号 US2004128238(A1) 申请公布日期 2004.07.01
申请号 US20030407112 申请日期 2003.04.04
分类号 G07F7/02;(IPC1-7):G06F17/60 主分类号 G07F7/02
代理机构 代理人