摘要 <p>A method of determining probable ancestry of a human individual to a dead human female ancestor is disclosed. A sample is taken from a human whose ancestry is to be determined, mitochondial DNA (mtDNA) extracted therefrom and sequenced. A portion of this mtDNA sequence is then compared with other 'comparison' mtDNA sequences in the same region to determine the differences (or mutations) between these two sequences. In particular, the sequence from a human is compared with a reference sequence and the positions of the mutations determined. Sequences having the same mutations are likely to be related, and thus an indication of probable ancestryy can be determined. A database of sequences can be produced, where the sequences are related to each other by means of their mutations, and this can be used to generate a gene tree. An individuals' position in that gene tree, determined by the nature of the mutation, can then indicate ancestry, in particular to a female ancestor who lived many thousands of years ago. In particular, it has been found that virtually all human mtDNA sequences can be traced back to only a few (6-8) female ancestors.</p>
申请公布号 WO2001077381(A2) 申请公布日期 2001.10.18
申请号 GB2001001633 申请日期 2001.04.11
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人