发明名称 Method of producing a decor on a glass wall or floor tile
摘要 A method of producing decor on a glass wall or floor tile used to yield an image provided with special light effects, consisting in that on specified opposite surfaces of the front and the back sides of a glass plate a system of decorative elements is produced of decreased transparency or opacity is produced, which system forms a decor in the shape of at least one segment composed of arranged transparent signs and slots on each side of the plate, whereby, the decorative elements of at least the front side are formed by ink and/or by hot rolling glass and/or by grinding glass, whereupon, the used decoration ink is further treated in accordance with the kind of the decoration material to obtain specific mechanical properties, and finally final formatting and calibrating of the plate is carried out.
申请公布号 AU7401600(A) 申请公布日期 2002.04.08
申请号 AU20000074016 申请日期 2000.09.26
分类号 B44C5/04;B44F7/00 主分类号 B44C5/04
代理机构 代理人